Ocean City Hockey Club

Ocean City Hockey Club

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Your club needs you!

During the 24/25 season OCHC are set to have 10 Saturday league teams. This means that there will be 5 teams playing at home every week. That is 10 pairs of umpire shoes to fill on a Saturday. We are therefore looking for volunteers to step up and help the club

How do I start

The first step is the Level 1 umpiring course which is aimed at those looking to umpire lower level games for their clubs. This is an online course provided by England Hockey and is delivered in a virtual 2 hour session but prior to doing this you will need to do an online rules test.

All this information can be found on the Hockey HUB on the EH website, which is free to join and has a lot of information and is to be found at this link.

Once you have registered you can do the online rules test

You can then book an online Level 1 umpiring course.

Having successfully completed these courses you will be “Level 1 Unassessed” qualified and receive notification from England Hockey of your unique umpire number.

Becoming assessed

After completing your course you can start officiating games as an "Unassessed" umpire. If you are doing the course outside of the main hockey season a great place to start is Summer League. During the regular season there are opportunities to umpire for the club in the lower tiers of the league on Saturdays or on Sundays in the Women's Development league. The club will support you through your training period by pairing you with more experienced umpires

When you feel ready, the club will help to arrange an assessment game where you will be watched by as Assessor and if successful you will move to Level 1 assessed.

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Beacon Electrical
Beacon Electrical
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