Ocean City Hockey Club

Ocean City Hockey Club

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3XI vs Ocean City 4

08 October 2022 | Tom Langrishe
3XI vs Ocean City 4

The stage was set for an almighty clash between the 4’s and the 3’s at Marjons. The 3’s team had poached a number of the 4’s players from last season and the 4’s had drafted in a giant of a GK for his first ever game of hockey.

The 3’s too had a nifty player between the sticks who only revealed that it was his 18th birthday after the vote for DOG had been made.

The game started at a great pace with Si Kerr intercepting a ball from the 4’s which lead to the initial breakthrough for the 3’s early in the game.

The 3’s were buoyed by this start and took advantage of some great play between Spider and Paddy to make it 2-0.

The 3’s then gained a short corner and the skipper had sort to invent some distraction in front of goal but proceeded to step on the ball before it had even reached the players on the outside of the D. Unsurprisingly, the skipper was voted for DOG as a result of his efforts.

The 4’s seemed to take encouragement from this error and eventually pushed forward to reduce the arrears to 2-1. It was clear that the 4’s were ready for a game and pushed ahead seeking the equaliser. The defence coped with some great transitions between Joe, Toby, Tom Barlow and Bev but we were grateful for the halftime whistle.

The break enabled the skipper to address a few arrears of concern and following (some would say) his Churchillian speech the 3’s scored early from a correctly (and simplistic) short corner with Si Kerr belting the ball into the goal.

The 3’s continued to press forward as the 4’s tired. Goals followed from Paddy and Spider and a great finish from the eventual Man of the Match, Ollie.

All in all, a great game, fantastic control from Snoop, Ben and Jim and tireless running from Freddie. Well done 3’s.

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