Ocean City Hockey Club

Ocean City Hockey Club

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Women 4XI vs Okehampton

12 March 2023 | Victoria Howell
Women 4XI vs Okehampton

Today was an awesome day for the 4’s.

We left the rain behind over the moors and arrived at Okehampton with sunshine. We started with a strong squad of 14 players with some help from Fleur from the 3’s. Thank you Fleur.

The first half saw Okey try and press every free hit, everywhere on the pitch, this disrupted our play. Okehampton scored first but we came back to draw 1-1 going into halftime.

Back on the pitch for the second half, we think we had some lucky mascots with Robyn's grandparents. As the game took shape we definitely were the stronger side with great passes and good use of space. There was some awesome work in the defence to keep the short corners at bay. Okey had a fair few short corners but failed to score through the defence and our awesome keeper Liriel

On the attack again with good passing and good support led us to be 2-1 up and WINNING. Sadly, with a minute to the final whistle Okey scored.

I think it is fair to say the team were buzzing today to be a winning side even if it was only for 20 minutes. I hope the team take a lot from today with their capability and their confidence to win

Thanks for everybody that comes to support and commits to bring their young ones to these games there was some very proud supporters on the side line today. Well done everybody

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