Ocean City Hockey Club

Ocean City Hockey Club

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Women 4XI vs okehampton

29 January 2023 | Victoria Howell
Women 4XI vs okehampton

Our trip to Okehampton, for the postponed match, saw a foggy drive across the moorland to a dry pitch (for a bit until the drizzle kicked in). It didn’t stop the enthusiasm of the 13 strong squad ready to get stuck in.

We had 3 players making a debut for the 4’s. Robyn, Ruby and Aisha. All of which played very well.

Our solid defence kept a strong Okehampton attack at bay with many shorts given against us (good practice for the defence and fitness for the halves)! Okehampton succeeded in a goal past our top goalie Liriel.

We had a fair few breaks. At times we got through their solid press. We passed well and made use of space. Okehampton succeeded in a second goal which was a lucky one just before half time.

In the second half we played some great hockey but we didn’t get that break required to get a goal.

The spirit of the league in developing all players was true today as we saw players rotating with subs and trying new positions.

Match teas were a success

Player votes went to Lorri, Robyn and Charlotte however the winners with equal votes were Aisha, Honey and Anna.

Well done everyone and thanks to our Captain Angie who arrived back from Markesh at midnight. 😉😃🏑🏑🏑🏑

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